Thursday, November 10, 2005


Ah mid-semester, the time when a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of not going to class, staying awake for 33 hours straight, and writing- lots and lots of writing. But not for my blog-

I will be out of the office the next couple of whiles. I'll miss you, DBravo, and you too, PaddyO. And you, CityFrog, I'll miss you most of all. I hope you're back when I am.

Oh how about a cliff hanger? I might be on a Latin TV show. It's not Jose Luis sin Censura or El Gordo y la Flaca, wouldn't that be fun? No, stupid, I meant stupid. I'll be playing "Raul" on Angel Rebelde. Oh that's not true either. So come on back to find out what's going on.

In the meantime send a note to John Mc Cain asking him to keep on fighting the good fight (he's said he will amend every major piece of legislation to include torture restrictions in response to W's threats of veto). This still has to go through the House so you could write your Representative too. And it's a long shot, but do you think we could get Pastor Ted or Dr. Dobson to care?

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