Friday, November 04, 2005

Let's Pretend You're Augustine

Hey Kids, I use the word SEX in the following post. Put your thinking caps on.

You are St. Augustine, the theologian, not the grass. Put these sexual activities into their proper descending moral order:

1.) Heterosexual rape
2.) Married heterosexual reproductive sex
3.) Bestiality
4.) Married heterosexual non-reproductive sex
5.) Incest
6.) Unmarried heterosexual reproductive sex
7.) Masturbation
8.) Unmarried heterosexual non-reproductive sex
9.) Homosexual man to man sex
10.) Celibacy
11.) Homosexual woman to woman sex

Don't make Augustine angry by saying they're all the same or some of the distinctions don't matter. He spent a lot of time clarifying the differences. So give it a shot why don't you?

Natural Sonic Order
Blitzkrieg Bop- The Ramones
Landslide- Fleetwood Mac
Lost in the Supermarket- The Clash

1 comment:

Paddy O said...

Methinks you're gunning for all manner of google hits now.

Uh, here's my choice, though I should note that Augustine is my theological nemesis. All that's wrong in the Church? I blame him. Even if he's not really to blame for everything, I still thinks it's his fault.

10, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 7, 11, 9, 5, 3

A fella writing in the recent Touchstone, however, might put number 4 at the lowest. Most of the rest are just sins, but according to him married heterosexual non-reproductive sex is an affront to God's whole order.

So, Skybalon, is this something you threw together for a Sunday School class?

And Jon, there's a little link in the top left corner which says "show original post". I've only recently realized it myself.