Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A Tortured Argument

"Hey, Jesus, I can't help but look at women as if they were objects created simply for my pleasure and gratification; but I don't have sex with any of them, mostly because they tend to find me repulsive. I just look, well I guess, really, I leer.. and stare. I do that too. But no sex- none at all. So it's cool right?"

"No it's not cool- if you look at a woman that way, you don't see her the way I want you to see her. If you see anybody as an object- as something to be consumed by you- you don't see them the way I see them or the way you should see them. In fact you don't see yourself as you were created to. You're not alive the way you are meant to be, that's why you can't help it-

"Hey wait, Jesus, aren't you redefining 'adultery' by saying that?"

"Yes- I am."

"But you're making the definition more powerful than it was before."

"I am- that's because it's possible to live in a greater power than you do now. "

"That's weird"


"So hey, can I do that then? I mean, what if someday I need to torture somebody? I just change what it means to torture- and 'squibeldy-do' it's all good."

"No- that's the opposite of what I just did."

"So I can't do that?"

"No... you're kind of missing the point."


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