You Never Know What You Can Do Unless You Try
You'll be lucky if I get another post up today- Seriously, I have a lot of good things to say, consider yourself lucky to read them. I have a ton to finish before this evening.
But I did want to mention something that was on my mind. I woke to Larry Wilkerson, being interviewed this morning on NPR and what he said got me a'wonderin.' What kind of husband would I be if I pushed the very limits of what was allowed in my marriage? I know I'm not the best husband in the world* but I try. But what if I didn't? What if I started "defining down" the whole husband bit? "Hey I might not be that great a husband, but at least I'm no OJ right? " I mean what if I never talked to her, never spent time with her, didn't kiss her or kill mice for her, we didn't pray together, didn't have sex with each other, what if I didn't clean up around this dump blah blah blah, but at the same time I didn't beat her, cheat on her, speak to her harshly or other bad husband stuff? Would that make it seem like I didn't really love my wife? Would that make it seem like I didn't really care about the vows I made with her? What would that say about me as a person?
Oohhhh there's a punch line here and it's so great but it might cross into unseemly hackery.
Okay here was the plan: I was going to say "You might call me a Dick. And you'd be right." Then I was going to link "Dick" to a picture of Big Time and the word "right" to the NPR story where Colin Powell's former chief of staff told Steve Inskeep that Big Time was the architect of the "Well what if we just electrocute their balls, is that torture? Oh... Okay how about saddamizing them (get it "saddam-ise')? That's cool right? Hmm... no thumb screws, we already know we can't do that... the rack.. no... Well let's just see what we can do before someone stops us" policy.
Is that hacky? I dunno.

*According to my research (Google Image search) this is the best husband in the world.
Unitl I return, why don't you read some of the "best ofs" I have archived just for you?
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