Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sometimes Something is Nothing

Of the more than half a million sites one finds searching for "'see through a glass dimly" with Google in the UK, mine is the first. That's a pretty specific search isn't it?

Okay, so one guest on el show kept saying how horrible it was for anyone to judge any choice someone else makes. That what we needed to do was be open minded and accept other people's spirits. I don't even know what that means- and when pressed, neither did she.

The gist of her take was that there's an unfair social stigma attached to women involved in stripping, prostitution, and pornography; though in her own life she would not, date or marry a "sex worker" nor would she allow any of her children to do the same or be involved in the industry because there's a stigma attached. She said bodies are beautiful things and it's a wonderful thing for a woman to want to share that on a stage. She said I was a hypocrite if I ever saw a nude person in a movie or had sex with my wife while saying that it was wrong for anyone else to do the same. She couldn't understand why I thought they were not the same.

The other guy on the "panel" advocated seeing people (well at least the women) in the sex trade as "hoes" (is that the correct plural?)- it's a morally reprehensible thing to do. Though he conceded he would and does go to "gentlemen's clubs." Those are interesting sides to a coin. One side saying it's okay to do but I wouldn't do it. The other side saying it's not okay but I do it. I guess to be fair- he was actually saying what they were doing is wrong, not that going to see a stripper is necessarily wrong.

Nobody believed that I had never been to a strip bar- well at first they believed it 'cause they thought I was gay. Then when they learned I was married no one believed I wasn't into strippers. Again, that idea of not being able to see real live people as more than objects to be consumed came up. That's totally my bag- don't steal it.

I wasn't really good on the show because I didn't have an idea to throw out there. I was more interested in responding to and asking about what the others were saying. Not that I don't have thoughts on the subject- I was just kind of turned off by the format. I knew it was coming, my bad.

I'm not going to try to connect this or turn it into anything more than what it is here. Except that it's all kind of connected to that idea of chastity that I said I wanted to write about more but haven't. It was pretty lame. It took a lot for me to not be mean- or at least to not say, "That's stupid." Would that have been mean? Oh well.

Today's Column One (a Times feature) reported on the increase of having mistresses and divorces in China coinciding with the broadening of capitalism. Their divorce rate is still in the low 20% range though. Oh they have so much to learn.

Morning Has Broken- Cat Stevens
Motion Picture Soundtrack- Radiohead
Bombtrack- Rage Against the Machine
Big Me- Foo Fighters
Smile- Weezer
Circle- Miles Davis
Fairies Wear Boots- Black Sabbath
Medication is Wearing Off- The Eels
You Really Got Me- The Kinks
Where Boys Fear to Tread- Smashing Pumpkins
Top of the World- Shonen Knife


Bob Ramsey said...

I believe that the plural of "ho" is "ho's".

Skybalon said...

There wasn't any table banging. Except I did stand up and flip the table over.

I think ho's would be the possessive of ho. While hos would be like Hos Cartright and hoes looks like the plural of hoe- the garden tool- an apostrophe is generally for possession or contractions. I'm going to check.

Skybalon said...

According to an urban dictionary ho should be pluralized hoes. I don't know if I trust the urban dictionary.
Though I would treat ho as potato, veto, go, or, hero, it's still not clear. What about afro, pueblo, bro, pro, or ego?
I do know that an apostrophe is right out though.

Bob Ramsey said...

But it depends on if "ho" is to be considered an actual word or a derivative contraction. If it is a word, than "hoes" or maybe even "hos" would be correct.

But if it is a contraction than an apostrophe would be required. Of course, this could lead to ambiguities, such as, "Yo, look at dem ho's. Who got da ho's money?"

Skybalon said...

I would say, "Then to avoid confusion, I'm just going to stick with the term 'bitches.'" But I think that's crossing a line so I won't say it. Besides, I don't know if bitches and hoes (I'm sticking with that as the correct plural) are the same thing.