Friday, November 04, 2005

The Sky Is Glass The Sea Is Brown

Dear NAE;

I cannot find words to fully express my joy at your willingness to affirm the validity of expressions of Christianity other than the American. I had thought for too long you were working for the dominance of the US American type of Christianity and conflating western political and economic values with a distinct Christian ethos. Perhaps no one would fault you for that; after all, you are the "National" Association of Evangelicals.
But this is clarifying. This move expresses a necessary humility, the answer to prayer and, a long overdue confession that we have for too long confused what it means to be the Body of Christ with a milquetoasty, Main Street USA, Americana. Thank you.
Just by way of logistics though, why did you start with Armenia? Is it an alphabetical approach? Are they the least among us? Is it an attempt to reconcile Eastern and Western divisions too? Whatever the case may be, I am glad.
Thanks, NAE.


maybe they meant something else

Anybody notice they took Pastor Ted off of the NAE main page? Too much press?

Titles Mean Something
To You- Duke Ellington
I Might Be Wrong- Radiohead
Mr. Blue Sky- ELO
One Step Closer- U2


Bob Ramsey said...


No chance they'll be serving lamb or falafel at the NAE cafeteria soon.

I'm just glad they're willing to consider me a Christian.

Bob Ramsey said...

Oh, and one other thing...

Fleetwood Mac = guilty pleasure

ELO (ELO!) = lame, lame, lame