Sunday, November 20, 2005

No Mas Trabajodoras de Sexo

So tomorrow I go to tape that TV show I mentioned. I've been describing it as a sort of hybrid of The View for Latinos and that show Jon Favreau makes where famous people sit around and gab about whatever. It's like that. A bunch of us sit around a table and talk about a specific topic, in this case the topic is "sex workers."

I was picked for this show because of my name (for those who don't know it's Mexican de los Brownies). Well I was selected as a possible participant because of my name. My picture and interview with the producers pushed me to the front of the line. This means they either thought I was articulate and thoughtful or that I was likely to get in a fight with the other participants. Given the way a lot of Spanish TV talk shows work it can only be the latter.

This is misleading- it's not a Spanish talk show. It's more oriented toward a market that is just beginning to be exploited- the Mes and Like Mes. You may see in the future, depending where you live, more and more shows, even a couple of channels, targeting English speaking Latino culture. This doesn't just mean Brown people, but White people who like Brown people's stuff (my wife would be one of those). This show is like that- except I don't have to wear a Luche Libre mask or do back-up vocals for Beck.

So the producers picked a handful of different nobodies who have some type of thought or other on this or that. I guess they want to show that Latinos, like everyone else, have only partially developed, inconsistent, and contradictory thoughts on a number of topics. I fear I'll do a great job of this.

What About Morissey, Buey?
Where I End and You Begin- Radiohead
Overture- The Marriage of Figaro
Wave of Mutilation- The Pixies
I'll Take You There- The Staple Singers
Satisfaction- Devo
In the Garage- Weezer
Dance War- Frank Black

1 comment:

Bob Ramsey said...

Don't worry about getting co-opted Robert. If you've seen his latest video, you'd know that Beck has moved on from Brown people to robots.

Hasta la victoria, siempre!