Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Gatsbies and the Wannabes

The roving Xenii parties give members who pay to play a chance to rub shoulders with celebrities, or at least to catch a glimpse.

LA Times

So this article is about people who pay up to $4500 a month to be part of this "A-list" scene. Interesting title, no?

Isn't Gatsby a wannabe himself? Doesn't he lie about who he is and create this fictitious entity so that he is ultimately alien to himself and never quite what he wants to be? Isn't the point that he invents this character to get Daisy who is herself known to Jay only as an idealized shell? They're lonely, insincere, and incapable of love.

Is the Times tipping its hand or unaware of what The Great Gatsby's all about?

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