Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Sandwich That Hunger Built

I normally try to eat a bit healthier than this but I was very hungry when I got home from school yesterday. I was more than hungry. I was cold, tired, hungry, a little light headed, blah blah blah. All I had consumed was a cup of coffee, a bagel, and a handful of walnuts. Here's what came of that.

Now I offer you the recipe because it was a delicious sandwich.

Potato, peeled, boiled and whipped with butter, heavy cream, salt, white pepper, mustard and garlic

French bread sliced lengthwise and trimmed flat
French toast batter:
one egg
a couple tablespoons of milk
a tsp or so of vanilla
some nutmeg, mace, cloves, and cinnamon
Beat it all together
And... uh... make the French bread into French toast

Slices o' ham
Spread the potatoes on your slices o' ham and fry them

Slices o' cheddar cheese

Place the cheese on your bread, place the ham and potatoes on top of the bread and cheese, then cover it with warm maple syrup.

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