Tuesday, April 04, 2006

How Wrong Can I Be?

I wasn't sure if I would mention this, but I can't seem to stop thinking about it. I need to get it over with because if I don't, it may keep stewing and I'll wind up posting about it on The Daily Journal instead of here. I'm afraid I might say something "indelicate" there. Oh I know, that's not keeping it real. But I don't want to seem crazy; so how to put it gently...?

Some people seem to think Tom Delay is Jesus, or at least very much like Jesus. That's stupid. Now, I know I'm a Quaker and for some that means I'm supposed to be all, "Well if that's how the Spirit leads you, man, that's cool. Right on, Tom Delay is just like Jesus." The Spirit leads me to say, "Fu- uh I mean- Forget that."

"A" spirit may be leading someone to say Tom Delay is just like Jesus, but it's not the Holy Spirit. Oh I know I'm putting myself out an a pneumatalogical limb here; to some I'm claiming to know things that are allegedly unknowable. To them I say, "You say red is blue because you are blind."

I think I'm venturing into jerkland. So I'll leave it at that for now...

Hmm, that "for now" makes me think I'm not done.


Paddy O said...

Tom DeLay is a fellow who has been quite good about mimicking the presence of the Spirit, without giving evidence of it. The lack of such leaks out in all sorts of ways.

This, of course, is a dangerous game to play as the Spirit doesn't appreciate being a tool, and Jesus doesn't like being an ornament. Leads to downfalls, what what.

Just like our favorite Quaker president, Richard Nixon.

All this to say, you're spot on about Tom DeLay. Good riddance. Such a man was bad for the party and bad for the country, even if he did say pretty words every once in a while.

Paddy O said...

Sorry to add another post here, but I genuinely have a question. I'm reading through George Fox these days and he had the occasional interaction with Oliver Cromwell.

"The Protector" as he is called was the head of the Parliament armies in the English Civil War and promoted all sorts of rather nasty policies against those who disagreed with him, such as the Irish.

Yet, George Fox has an interesting reaction to him. I don't like Tom DeLay, but I dare say Mr. DeLay has no where near done what Oliver Cromwell did. Cromwell, however, is seemingly honored by Fox for treating the Quakers with a bit of respect. The only thing that mattered to him in his condemnations, seemingly, was how people treated the Friends in various cities. It's a curious thing.

Skybalon said...

No need to apologize. I assume your question is: Robert, why are you soooo good lookin'? That's a good question. I tend to think I look like a short Jeff Goldblum and don't think he's very attractive. But there's no accounting for taste.

Genetics would be the short answer. The long answer would have to account for cultural values, biological drives and reactions to symmetrical features and fertility indicators representing reproductive suitability. So I'll give a medium answer: good genetics.

My mother looked like Charisma Carpenter and my dad looked like Englebert Humperdink.

Paddy O said...

Sorry, I was using the Democratic Senator method of asking a question... using all my space for blather and grandstanding.

But thanks for your question and answer. It all makes sense. Except the part about Jeff Goldblum. Sometimes you talk like him, but I've never thought of him when I looked at you.

You look a lot more like a mattress model. No, that's not it. Oh, right. You look just like a guy I saw on a spanish language talkshow shooting the breeze about events with some others. Funny thing too.

I would have sworn that guy was Asian.