Monday, April 10, 2006

Okay- One More On the Train

I mentioned Antonio Banderas was on SNL. My wife likes Antonio Banderas so that partially explains why we sat through an exceptionally unfunny episode. But she said something very revealing... horrible but revealing... absolutely horrible.

She typically watches TV with the remote control in her hand, only setting it down when she's found something that completely has her attention. She was iffy on SNL until she saw Antonio Banderas was the host. She promptly put down the remote control and I teasingly called her on that.

Skybalon's Wife- What can I say- he's brown.
Skybalon- No, he's not! He's white!
Skybalon's Wife- Whatever- he's brown enough.
Skybalon- He's Spanish
Skybalon's Wife- Eh- That's Mexican

She's right. As far as most people care, he's Mexican. And when I grow out my beard, I'm Arab.

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